Watchman is a digitalized solution which enables faster and more efficient production processes by reducing manual work. Using Watchman, you can enter the order information into the software which transmits the information straight to Lillbacka crimping machines and cutters.
Watchman software provides a new level of management capability for your Finn-Power manufacturing machines and cells. Watchman streamlines the work in the production cells using Lillbacka USA machinery products. With Watchman, the production can be managed and planned in a global level.

Watchman also guides the operator to accomplish the right tasks in the cell. Watchman makes the quality control easier and more efficient by gathering production information such as machining parameters. Watchman gathers thorough quality reports, including order information, technical machine settings (recipe) and production quality parameters (diameter, pressure).

Because of the broad control of the production process through the Watchman system, machines can work efficiently and with updated crimping data and parameters regardless of their physical location.

With Watchman, you can manage orders worldwide from your department while accelerating order handling and following different efficiency levels. Watchman works in a multi-user interface with different user levels and therefore it's easy to confine right tasks to right users. With encrypted connection, it's secure to transfer orders worldwide. Watchman service can be installed on-premises or delivered from cloud. Both of these installation options have high level of security to ensure systems overall security. Installation is made easy for different kinds of factory compositions, not only for crimper/cutter pairs.
Security:Crimpers and cutters are connected to on-site gateways through local network of the factory.Crimpers and gateways are securely connected inside the factory and are never directly accessible from outside networks. All data between Watchman service and end users is transferred through encrypted secure communication. Only authorised persons can access Watchman service because all end users are authenticated. Watchman service has three different user levels which are Administrator, Manager and Machine operator.
With Watchman, the production manager has all access to manage orders, job queues and recipes while minimising errors from production. Watchman™s real-time quality reporting gathers data during production process.
With these actions, Watchman increases production efficiency. Managing of the production and its processes gets easier by Watchman™s organised production control possibilities. Watchman transmits the orders and their technical details directly to crimpers or other machines included in the process. Orders are also easy to track because of Watchman™s thorough quality control. Quality reports are stored to Watchman system and they can be easily printed or sent to customer. Watchman™s quality reports include order information, technical machine settings (recipe) and production quality parameters (diameter, pressure) read from the crimpers and cutters.
Watchman software is simple and easy to use.Watchman enables to skip unnecessary manual steps in the production process. Watchman system has visual symbols which guide the operator to complete tasks with ease and comfort. Orders and tasks can be entered to Watchman after which Watchman system delivers the information straight to Lillbacka USA crimping machines and cutters. User interface suits for different kinds of users. Watchman service has different user access levels, which are Administrator, Manager and Machine operator.
Watchman system gathers thorough quality reports during production processes. These quality reports include order information, technical machine settings (recipe) and production quality parameters (diameter, pressure) read from the crimpers and cutters. Recorded quality parameters ensure that production matches the order. The entire quality report is stored to Watchman and it can be printed or sent to customer. Watchman provides API for external IT-systems that can gather quality reports and production metrics from Watchman for further analytics. Watchman supports creating orders through the API. For example, existing MES (Manufacturing Execution System) can send orders directly to Watchman. In Watchman system, units are changeable from millimetres to inches.
Accelerate order handling and schedulingWith Watchman, you can create new orders faster and easier than ever. New orders can be created to Watchman anytime: for example, during the customer meeting. Watchman gives the delivery dates immediately to customer, even while you™re still in a meeting. When a new order is started, it will send order items to crimping machines and no manual input is needed from a machine operator. Watchman service can be installed on-premises (inside the factory) or delivered from cloud.
Watchman system will handle all communication to Lillbacka crimpers and cutters and it will transmit the information concerning the orders to the machines. By using Watchman, company functions become more efficient with Watchman™s features that make the production and order processes faster and easier than ever.